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Old 11-30-2010, 03:33 PM   #1 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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I'm sure a lot of the miserable complainers (even the ones who had nowt to complain about) known as the general public would have agreed with you, but the call centre is in India now so they can kiss me arse. I'm sure they would love to have me back now.

I can't comment on what BT Vision is like now as I haven't worked there for quite some time. When I did though it was sold to a number of people who were never gonna have the internet connection fast or stable enough to run it, even more who were right on the line which means sometimes it's gonna work and sometimes it's not and the product in general was NOT in any way ready to be rolled out when it was launched. Before it was launched, a load of us were supporting it through its BETA stages to clients, employee's and a select number of customers who agreed to trial it. The list of reported faults during the (i think) two years it was in its various BETA stages was absolutely massive and I would say that not even 25% of them had been resolved by the time the first ads were ran and it was made available to the general public.

Typical BT. They don't need to give a flying fuck and they know it.

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