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Old 11-30-2010, 01:36 AM   #561 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
Science never claimed the world was flat. Science is based on scientific methods and criterias like hypothesis testing which wasn't really formulated back then. People didn't believe those things because because they were based on science and so you can't just attribute any non-religious idea people have had about our world in the past to science.
Science/scientific method/physiology/biology/split tailed t-tests/within one standard deviation/etc once claimed that traction was good for a bone fracture.

Turns out it is the worst thing for a fracture. Bones need stress to respond with bone growth/ healing. So the very attribute that gives science the "higher ground" is the attribute that schould be looked at more closely. Namely, that we go with the best explanation until a better one comes along. If there has been no evidence to date that satisfies you. just say that. Don't try to argue down people who have had evidence that satisfies them.

After all, who really knows? The most accurate thing we can say is that we are just creepy monkeys and our logic and evidence gathering methods are inherently flawed.
"i think that's the real issue right there. first they tell us that there's no such thing as a brontosaurus, and then they tell us that pluto isn't a planet. i think after those two let-downs most americans have just decided "frag scientists." "- oops, I forgot who I quoted. adolescent something?
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