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Old 11-25-2010, 02:44 PM   #9 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4
Default Hello this is mz radical and i hope you are not offend(withlove)

Originally Posted by matious View Post
speaking of the christian god only..

I could never wrap my head around the beginning. Why put a fruit tree down if you don't want adam or eve to have it?

He/she/it can see into the future right? So he knew ahead of time that they were gonna disobey him, so it must have been his intention for them to have the fruit and to kick them out?

Why is he punishing people for something they did 3,000 years ago? Let it go!

I guess i just struggle to believe in the idea that god wanted us to have free will. Whats the point in having free will if you just get punished for doing anything that goes against gods will.

i just want to comment on your status. God told adam and eve do not eat for the tree that gives you the knowledge of good and evil. They had a choice like he gives us a choice. Did you know you there are other worlds who where tempted by satan and that he tempted them also. God is not punishing us. Its because of sin that causes bad things to happened. That's why he is soon to return to get us and when we get to heaven no more dieing, punishment, struggling, working hard, divorce, abuse, pain etc. He loves you some much. In he wants us to have a free will to except him and have hope and faith... It a hope channel that comes on direct tv channel 368 you should check it out. If you want more information the number is 18884467388. God bless you always.

Last edited by RADICALLADYBUG; 11-27-2010 at 04:59 PM.
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