Originally Posted by Hitting_Singularity
That's exactly why I'm excited, because Ric Ocasek is coming back! His voice is obviously a huge reason for the Car's unique sound..
I dunno, there seem to be more and more bands getting back together from the 70s and 80s and many of them are actually managing to make something that sounds like their classic stuff.
Whilst I`ll agree about his unique voice, along with his quirky song writing style. What really made the difference in that group, were the Benjamin Orr sung songs.
Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
Woo-hoo! I'm excited. Ric Ocasek is coming back? Yeay!
I loved the Cars' music when I listened to them back in the 80s, and I enjoy Ric Ocasek's solo music, such as the pretty song below, so I look forward to what they will create together when they reunite.
I just hope Ric's motivation isn't *just* money--you say he ran out and that's why he's willing to return?  Why did he used to say he would never go back to the Cars?
I hope their new music doesn't sound like their classic stuff unless that's the sound they actually want. I would think after 23 years they would have some new ideas about the type of music they want to make.
Ric Ocasek - Emotion in Motion
The Ric Ocasek solo album "This Side of Paradise" is an album that I love and his best solo release. Ric Ocasek since his split with the Cars, is very hit and miss as a songwriter.
I doubt its for lack of money, because he still produces a lot of other bands.