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Old 11-21-2010, 04:32 PM   #4389 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: The Rapping Community
Posts: 24,593

1) How would you spend your perfect day?
Hard to say, but no doubt it would involve Thai food and live music.

2) What is the biggest change you've made in your life in the past year?
Man, tough call, it's been a pretty eventful year for me. I finished my certificate in web design and development over the summer, which is a bit of a career changer for me. I also just landed a full time job which my first position where (a) I'm doing 100% web work and (b) I actually have someone working under me. And most recently, my wife and I just put a bid in on, potentially, our first home.

3) If you could live forever, would you want to?
Only if the people I care about also got to live forever.

4) What is the best advice you've ever received?
Look both ways before crossing the street, even if it's a one-way. Works on both a literal and metaphorical level for me.

5) What are you looking forward to in the upcoming week?
Starting my new job tomorrow.

6) What is one thing you want, right this very second?
Slim Jims.
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