Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Oh absolutely. I want to meet people just so theres proof I'm coherent.
Anyhow, the answer to y'all's (get it?

) question is, I'm 190cm which the metric converter says would be just short of 6'3. AND THAT'S A BAD PHOTO...but ok, I can live with it...
Anyhoo, I just got back home about an hour ago and am still wrapping my head around the whole thing, and I understand that the magnitude of what happened will be lost on anyone who hasn't participated (not only did I get to meet people from MB on my first trip to the States, which given my job description, I NEVER hoped for, but also two of my favorite people who just happened to live about 20 minutes from where I was at the time, and not only that, but they actually are as awesome in real life as I thought they were online) but it really was one of those events that I'll remember for the rest of my life. My cup runneth over, you guys, really...(:
Oh and I liked the Cheesecake factory, I ate some cajun chickeny stuff (sorry Freebase) and it was awesome. I don't know why people criticize American cuisine, I'd probably weigh 200 pounds if I lived there.
General impression about America: awesome. I loved the look, the feel, the people, the service, the malls, stores, taxis, I love how a random woman from California bummed me for a cigarette and we struck up a conversation and I got to tell her where Croatia is, I love the expertise of the business people and their practical, no-bullsh
it approach, loved the skyscrapers and general architecture which is so different from anything I've seen in Europe etc. I could go on.
I love it all. I'm sure in some past life I lived there and if not, I should have.
So yeah, America, f
uck yeah. (: