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Old 11-20-2010, 05:22 AM   #47 (permalink)
Dat's Der Bunny!
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Originally Posted by RVCA View Post
I feel like it would be awkward to meet up with members who are 20+ years older than me...
you'd think that, but it really isn't. I met up with a load of people from an online game (yeah I'm a nerd, shoot me :P) in july 2009. We rented a lodge in the UK for a week and just congregated there. Average age was about 30 or so, but ranged from 20 to 40+, and everyone got along great. Age is only a socially perceived barrier. yeah there's a difference in the amount of experiences you've had, and that does show, but so long as you're yourself, if you get along on the forums, you'll get along in RL, that's what I found.

Hell, I ended up in a long term relationship with one of the 30yo's as a result of that trip, and some of my best friends now were people who were there.
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