11-20-2010, 02:54 AM
#82 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Spain
Posts: 824
* A must-listen group: Presuntos Implicados (since 1984). This is a unique case in the Spanish-speaking music, and at the same time one of its most important acts of all time. These guys have a very special ability to combine pop music with influences from funk, soul, blues, Latin American (including Brazilian) music, jazz, ballads and Mediterranean folk, in a way that no other Spanish-language band has ever done. The result of their original "formula" is a delightful music, which has succeeded in both sides of the Atlantic. Soledad Giménez (a sweet and beautiful voice) was the band's leading vocalist until 2006 (then she went solo). I absolutely recommend their entire discography. You won't find any other act with all these particular features in the Hispanic pop music. The following are just a few examples:
Alma de blues (" Soul of Blues") is an homage to Billie Holiday. Cómo hemos cambiado (" How We Have Changed!") is about nostalgia for a lost old friendship.
Mi pequeño tesoro (" My Little Treasure") is dedicated to a baby son. La flor de la mañana (" The Morning Flower") is a love song.
La flor de la mañana is exceptionally beautiful. It's very difficult to translate (and obviously, translation doesn't sound the same), but...
♫ " Eran sólo dos extraños...........They were just two strangers
concediéndose deseos.............granting each other's wishes
como dos enamorados.....................like two lovers
que vaciaron sus manos.............who emptied their hands
de desengaños y miedos.............of disappointments and fears
y de afecto las llenaron.............and they fill them with affection.
Calmaron con fresas su hambre,...............They eased their hunger with strawberries,
con vino su sed.........their thirst with wine
y el frío con su calor.............and the cold with their warmth.
Y pensaron los dos:..............And they both thought:
¿Qué habrá tras tu mirada,..........What is there behind your gaze,
que tanto oculta y tanto da?..........that hides and shows so many things?
La flor de la mañana hoy.............Today you sowed the morning flower
sembraste en mi ventana..........................at my window
fingiendo que fingías.............pretending to be pretending
que me amabas..........you were in love with me.
(...)" ♫
Fingiendo que fingías que me amabas
(Pretending to be pretending you were in love with me)
Also (click): Sed de amor (" Thirst for Love"), La noche (" The Night"), Palabras de amor (" Words of Love"), Me das el mar (" You Give Me the Sea") and Esperaré (" I Will Wait"). Todas las flores (" All the Flowers") is another love song. Gente (" People") talks about both love and human brotherhood.
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."
Last edited by Zaqarbal; 11-21-2010 at 03:06 AM.
Reason: Translation: one word corrected.