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Old 11-17-2010, 02:20 PM   #509 (permalink)
Dayvan Cowboy
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Posts: 1,258

har har har har, it's update time!

clutnuckle: The member I relate to the most. He has one of the most superb tastes and I wish I could just steal his computer for a while and listen to all of his music collection

Kaimon: You need to post more often. You're easily one of my favourite members and you seem like you'd be a cool person IRL.

duga: You're probably my favourite mod, even though we disagree musically most of the time.

Paloma: I'd say something but stuff would ensue.

RavenRAWRRR: I swear to god that you're just emostreetguitar minus the "ATTENTION SEEK LOLALERT" factor. Honestly.

Pedestrian: This person just joined recently? I feel as if she's been here for years, and there's no way that you just joined in september. Honestly, wow.

crash_override: lol, you like Attack Attack

PAVEMENT SAW: lololol you're priceless.

Dirty: I have mixed opinions on him. Sometimes he's alright but at times he's a little grating.
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