Originally Posted by duga
We can just have all the regulars agree to not post for a month, come back, and then see what kind of havoc has just ensued. I'm imagining nothing but spam. That could drive the price down pretty good.
You are probably right.
Actually, MusicBanter wouldn't be too bad of an investment especially if someone loves music. The main website competitor that I see, MuzicForums, is only worth around $1500. MusicBanter has much more pull because it is older with more members...currently.
If someone who loved music actually owned the site and didn't see it *just* as an investment, then you could probably make quite a few improvements for the sake of the whole community and music. The only downside for the new owner would be needing to protect your investment...such as by no longer allowing obvious downloads of bootlegs. I hear that websites can get shut down for that. If I were the owner, I would need to enforce copyright laws on the Boards. I assume what goes on in private in PMs couldn't be checked?
Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt
In the spirit of the thread, a couple more useful smilies would be useful...
Googling this every time someone acts retarded is a great inconvenience to me.
You think the idea of a member-owned site isn't good? You must not have spent much of your life investing, Mr. Cunning!