Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger
All the ads are run through google ads and are chosen by word association of what's been posted. It's all run by google & has nothing to do with musicbanter or the people in the advert.
Oh. I see you must be right, Urban, because, irony of ironies, when I logged in today the ad in the upper lefthand corner was for...
...e-mail verification systems!
Email Verification 5.0.0
Since the owners aren't advertising, then the site must just be an investment for them and nothing more. So, to gain the owners' attention or get sold to someone who wants to make larger improvements, I still think the site has to grow and become überhot.
Here are the current stats on which to improve:
Hmmm....$22,000...maybe *I* could buy the site!
(It would help if the place went to hell for a while to drive the price down. Maybe if I post more often...even longer, more tedious posts...I'll drive more people away. THEN I'll make my takeover move. Bwaa haa haa haaaaaa!)