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Old 11-14-2010, 04:34 PM   #5 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post
Freebase. Out of interest, what were the other improvement requests?
From what I can remember they were: raising the image limit, character limit, raising the amount of posts selectable by mods, disabling poll votes bumping threads, a shoutbox search function, and a couple other things I can't remember.

Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger View Post
Is it being pushed aside though?

It's not the first time we've asked for admin to implement an email verification system. In fact we've asked for one several times since I've been a mod & so far nothing has materialised. It doesn't take 3 years to implement something like this.

I don't think we should stop asking for small things just because bigger things have yet to be done, in fact have we ever had any guarantee that these bigger things we're waiting for are being done? I can remember Yac saying he'll see what he can do but other than that I've not seen him say we're working on this or working on that.

You don't think it's a good idea to have a notification system, that's fine, but I do think it is and I really don't see what harm can be done PMing Yac & asking if it's something that can be done simply & easily.
The funny thing about it is an email verification system is an extremely easy thing to implement in the forum software. It's a standard feature that just needs to be turned on. Here is an example:
Go to:
>Vbulletin Options
>User Registration Options
>Tick the "Verify Email address in Registration" option
I admire your optimism, but if that couldn't be figured out for 3 years, I have little hope for any request that requires even slightly more effort than that. I do realize that the reasoning behind the admins decision to implement something or not may escape us, but I get the feeling that going beyond base functionality to keep this place interesting enough to attract hits and gain Google ratings is not in the owner's interest. And although I really don't think the request in question is a bad idea, I would just rather bug the admin about things that have a larger effect. I'm not opposed to one of you guys requesting the notification thing. I'll just keep bothering them with the other stuff. Maybe they'll get annoyed into submission.
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