Originally Posted by Violent & Funky
Hahaha I'm honestly a nice person I just tend to be overly honest with other people... 
I know!

People from Ohio are usually very nice. Not like people from England, god forbid!
Originally Posted by right-track
I looked at VAGINAJELLY's post without actually reading it (as is usual). Her words have the same effect on my brain as my wife's voice.
Strangely, the only bit to leap out at me were the words "perky nipples."
That's okay that you didn't read it. I made up all the "data" for that post anyway.
The part I *hoped* you'd read, however, was this:
"Even worse, the
hot pink viewers were 10% more likely to experience irritability and commit a violent crime than viewers shown other colors.
I might even suspect that you yourself, right-track, may have unfortunately painted several walls in your home a scalding hot pink color, not knowing of its detrimental effect!"
I'd probably get along with your wife quite well, if we sound alike. She must be very wise and kind and INCREDIBLY patient when dealing with people who have tiny attention spans and one-track minds. Oh. Excuse me.
Two-track minds. You noticed perky nipples AND bras.
Maybe if I type something like, "Right-track is a boob," you'll actually read it.
Originally Posted by Conan
Vege clearly has a crush on you, rt. You two are like bickering school children who end up getting married.
I don't know about the married part, but I agree that right-track, at least, has the bickering school child bit down pat.