Then there are others who are somewhere in the middle. As an example, I would consider myself as being entirely mainstream on an external social level. But I probably share a lot of views with metal folk on the inside. I listen to indie and pop music mostly, but sometimes I just want to listen to metal. I feel it gives a certain emotional satisfaction that I don't find in other music. I find it to be a good outlet for feelings I don't share with those around me.
That's exactly why I started listening to metal. Whenever I hear a good metal song it relieves stress instantly. I'm also drawn by the amount of variety that is in metal that I feel isn't present in most forms of music I've ever listened to.
But I think the biggest draw of metal has to be that it can give this

to society so well. People have always gravitated towards genres that challenge society for a long time. Especially now that popular music has become so monotonous, boring, and sanitized of any real bite that they gravitate towards harder music scenes such as metal, punk, and underground rap in order to get that rawness that many feel is missing from MTV and VH1.