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Old 05-27-2004, 06:39 PM   #40 (permalink)
Muck Fusic
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Why dont you give the private funding # from other nations?
Couldn't find the numbers, just public funding for all, which was majority larger for US. Also, I would care to bet that US has more private funding...wanna take it?
Canada cant afford to give much more than that either. We have universal health care.
Jeez, why do you care so much about yourself. You should give to the poorer countries. [end sarcasm] That's what would happen if we did the same thing. Double standards Rule!!! You say 15 billion a year wouldn't add up. Especially when we gave billions of dollars after World War 1, and millions of dollars after World War 2.

True again that the US would take a hit if we switched from oil (or decreased importance of oil) but the idea of becoming more self-dependant (which I hope we become) is truly more important. Gas stations would not need to switch, they would be terminated.

What did Saddam order when we found them? Maybe your forgetting. He slowly started destroying ALL of them. Oh, but then you still attacked and he couldnt use them against you.
Ugh, obviously you did forget. We found these weapons after we invaded and were searching through Iraq. Dip****.

The higher ups know about military operations, they dont know much about politics, economics, justifications, or other things that are more retrospective and wide.
The higher-ups know more than you think. A lot more, so don't talk about friends of family like that. People make it out to seem that military don't want to be there, they don't have support, families want their children back home. In Norfolk, we want them to stay and finish the job they have started. It will costs more lives to leave than it will to finish. And I believe we will do this, even IF Kerry is elected. What makes you think another President will do better? Or is it the "Anything but Bush idea".

And bringing back an old topic, you said that Bush Senior was not as book smart as Roosevelt or something to that extent. I was comparing him to recent Presidents, like the last 20 years. But that's okay, twist away.

Sanctions are justified on Cuba, and there is truly nothing you can say about that. We have found the testing labs for WMD's, we have found human testing sites for WMD's, we have found what we believed we would find. News media says we have not "found WMD's" because they don't see a huge pile of nukes lieing around. I'm not reading the rest of what you said, because it's beating a dead horse. And to say there is an incorporation of music is a joke. Tell me one musical thing said in here about a band. There isn't. You post in the mod only forums about others making off-topc posts, yet this is the same thing. You want people to share your views so you put it here.

I'm done with this thread, because it has no point in this forum. But please keep on twisting facts, maybe you can change the mind of an eight year old out there.
a man, a plan, a canal, panama
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