Originally Posted by IamAlejo
Foreign Aid in the United States increased by 5% in 2002, for whichever idiot said we haven't increased foreign aid.
In 2002, we donated 15,000+ million (about 15200) in foreign aid.
The next closest was Japan, with 8,000+ million (about 8400).
Canada is about 2,000+ million (around 2300)
So we almost double any other country in foreign aid. Trust me, if we cut these aids, we could be out of debt in reasonable time. But everyone would complain if they didn't get their aid, yet they DO complain when we want to have a say in what goes on in their country? Why, we give you the money, we SHOULD have a say in what goes on. Otherwise, don't take the money.
In 2002, Americans privately gave 34 BILLION dollars overseas. So add that to the older number, and you see alot of money going around. Gotta go get dinner though.
Why dont you give the private funding # from other nations?
Of course you send more money, you have more money and can afford to give more. Are you expecting the dominican republic or Haiti to give more many then you? Of course not, Canada cant afford to give much more than that either. We have universal health care. If you take it in purportion to the GNP though, you can figure out that the US could be giving more.
LOL, like 15,000+ million will take you out of debt!!! HAHAHA. Hey, not long ago we asked for a extra 85 BILLION on just Iraq, the war will have cost us way more than 200 BILLION to date!!! Hm, you, debt is coming from somewhere. Oh and we are asking for more money now, more than 20 BILLION till the elections for Iraq, because we need more armor now on Humvees and we need replacement parts, oil expenses, helmets, etc. The debt is around 4. something TRILLION, um, yeah, look at those previous figures and tell me something. Obviously your talking above what you know.