Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier
Basically, they could`ve dragged anybody up there to take over Glen Matlock`s role. Despite not being able to play bass properly, he was pretty much as useless as they come. His saving grace was that he kind of looked good  and his versions of "Something Else" and "My Way" are memorable.
I may have misunderstood what you mean about the Sex Pistols being able to drag anyone up there to replace Glen Matlock, but if you mean he was just a bass player and he had no creative input you'd be very wrong. Matlock came up with most of the tunes on Never mind the Bollocks, I know we tend to think of Lydon as the front man and thats the image we have when you think about the Sex Pistols and of course Lydons memorable lyrics, but it was Matlock that came up with most of the tunes and he was probably the most talented musician in the band. The SP were finished when he left or they sacked him which ever it was, I think history proves that.
I agree Sid Vicious was talentless.