Pounds and pounds of marijuana come out of Humboldt County California every day.
No one is stopping it.
Demand is the reason.
The governemnt wants a piece, and that is the whole story. The original letter that started this movement from the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors to the Governor of California explicitly states this outright. ~~~"There is a multi-billion dollar industry going on all around us. The governement is broke. We need to legalize and tax it."
So lets not get greedy and jump on the first weed law that comes our way.
No, you can't absolutely control the growth and flow, and licensure of weed. If its OK to legalize it, lets do it in a way thats good for the people, not some jack ass and his cronies.
I'll wait for a bill that doesn't give someone 5 years in prison for smoking a joint on their own back patio in an apartment complex where someone under 21 years old lives in another apartment.
The taxation opportunity for the government is undeniable. Ok, let them have theirs. But lets not **** the people in the ass to do it.
"i think that's the real issue right there. first they tell us that there's no such thing as a brontosaurus, and then they tell us that pluto isn't a planet. i think after those two let-downs most americans have just decided "frag scientists." "- oops, I forgot who I quoted. adolescent something?