Originally Posted by VocalsBass
I wonder how much one of those^dog kennels cost? My german sheperds would love the extra space to run, (I guess its better than a dog leash and/or chain hooked to a clothesline).  lol!
I could sell you my kid's outdoor play-pen for about $150. He's grown enough to get caught on the barbed wire, so I need to buy something taller.
Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
As both an asshole and someone with enough sense to know when not to laugh I have to say I'm incredibly conflicted on this. I mean obviously this is absolutely disturbing that a school would think locking the pupil up in a cage would be a good idea, especially after Jenny McCarthy's boobs have done so much to help spread awareness on the issue. Yet at the same time... I have a very dark sense of humor and this is tickling it to the point of near hysterics.
Sorry if I offend anyone, I know I'm a bad person, but it's more the thought process (or lack of it) by the school. Also I'll get a tentative lulz to the UFC comment.
I'm not ashamed... I laughed my ass off when I saw that cage.