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Old 11-03-2010, 08:25 AM   #3170 (permalink)
Melancholia Eternally
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Originally Posted by Percy Thrillington View Post
So me having the opinion that Rooney is only there for the money needing hours of research did it, I think its quite obvious why he signed the deal with United recently and i very much doubt it was his deep love for the club.

Having an opinion that isnt the same as everyone else's in a forum can be a problem, and its easy to join the majority to make yerself feel a bit more informed and to stroke yer own ego a bit. Just because someone doesnt agree with you doesnt mean theyre stupid or wrong whether its about Metal or Man United. Dealing with legends in their own bedroom is something you have to get used to dealing with on any kind of forum and this one's no different. Most of the reponses Ive had over the last 24 hours came thick and fast which suggests at least some of the posters didnt give a minutes thought to what I had actually said, they just reacted in a negative way because they took it a little to personally. Ive read quite a few posts on here ( this forum not just this thread ) that i find pathetic, but Im not motivated in the slightest to respond with some sort of a veiled insult.
You really don't see it, do you?

It's not that you have a differing opinion, it's that you seem determined to have a differing opinion. However you don't seem to actually know enough about what it is you are determined to be different about to put together a valid argument or opinion. Also I have seen you kick up a fuss about being mistreated here regarding things that nobody has actually said. The best example being the fact that nobody actually argued with you regarding what it was you said about Rooney in your initial post in this thread, yet you seemed to imagine they did and have dragged this out for far too long now.

I welcomed you initially and even again after realising your posts could and probably would recieve this kind of response from the majority.

This will and does lead people to believe that you are nothing more than a seriously bored troll and trolls get banned. If you arent a troll then how about you just discuss things here like a normal human being, admit when you're wrong, stick to talking about what you actually know a great deal about and don't pass judgement on things you dont understand.

If you did that, nobody would be responding to you the way they are.

Or just ignore me, refuse to see that members like me and Urban are actually trying to help you when we could just ban you under the assumption of trolling, arrogantly structure a comeback to this post, continue to piss people off and see what happens next.

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