i'm making a compilation CD over the summer of small underground hXc/punk/screamo/emo bands from anywhere, called the Yearbook Collection. i just want to put some music out really. it's going to be limited to a 100 CD press, and they'll be sold for £3 a copy (o0o0ooh cheap music!) and once I have covered my initial costs, all proceeds (if there are any) will go to Amnesty International.
i have quite a few bands, but i'm aiming to gather about 20-25 tracks from bands who are willing to donate one. i don't mind where in the world you are from. if you email me at
yearbookcollection@hotmail.com then i'll sort it out with you from there. it would probably be easier if you posted me a track or something because my computer sucks right now. but whatever. you'll get ONE free copy of the comp as a thankyou for donating a track, but if you want more copies then they're only £3.
anyhoo. yeah. i'll put your band's website in the credits, and all the copyright etc that you specify. it's all pretty DIY and simpleton so don't worry about anything.
so. erm. yeah!

email me if you're interested (or if you know someone in a band who might be)
ps. it's gonna be a UK comp, so think in pounds and pence. also, if you live anywhere in the world and would be interested in taking a couple of copies of this here comp off my hands, to sell in a music store (hint hint) or distro'ing for me... then i'd definitely be up for. take them off me for £3. sell them for what you feel is good. think import, baby!
www.freewebs.com/yearbookcollection <<provisional website!