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Old 07-19-2005, 10:19 PM   #27 (permalink)
Reg Hacquer
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Texas USA
Posts: 6

Originally Posted by mrinitialman
Pick a saxophone you like the sound of. If you like fairly high, alto or soprano is your best bet. Tenor is somewhere in the middle, baritone is nice for low-end stuff.

Sax is actually very easy to learn. Difficult to master, though, just so you know. Just make sure to get a good one. Reputable companies are: Yamaha, Keilworth (Mostly pro instruments from these guys) Selmer, Selmer Paris, Jupiter, King.
Would like to respectfully offer my counter-opinion... Alto is definitely the horn to start on, followed by tenor. Can't imagine any compelling reason to start on bari (too big, physically demanding on beginners). A bad idea to start on soprano--it's just too squirrelly a horn, and you surely won't score any points from family/roommates!

Mr. I-man is correct about saxophone being easy to learn, hard to master. About getting an actual horn--Yamaha is far and away the best choice for a beginner horn. As for pro horns, I'd put Selmer (Paris) at the beginning of that list without question. Pre-1977 pro model Selmers are the gold standard by which all other saxes are judged.

Kindest regards,
Reg Hacquer
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