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Old 07-19-2005, 09:21 PM   #2 (permalink)
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You don't need to.
When I was going into seventh grade I was probably 4'11 and 85 pounds.
I mean jesus.....
I knew I couldn't kick any a$$
I have two statements of priceless advice that you'll be forever in debt for.

You probably won't want to beat this fat kid up.
The only reason he's bullying you is because he's insecure about himself.
And you'll only be in trouble and stuff if and after you beat him up.
Trust me, it's not a good idea.

Now I did this to a couple people.
If you really want to humiliate him, which I strongly advise you not to, then go into his 4th hour class and say, "excuse me, I need to speak to 'him'."
Look him straight in the eye and quietly say, "If you ever try to belittle me again I will kill your dog with a metal baseball bat. Then I'll put a napkin soaked with chloroform to your mother's and father's lips while they're sleeping and **** her. I'll piss on your dad and you while you sleep."
Trust me.
60 percent of the time it works everytime...
Even if you're relatively small, people can get hella scared if you say it the right way.

But seriously, if you humiliate him on a huge level there's risks.

I advise you to......
Make friends with the fat kid.

If you don't want to be his friend just don't be his enemy.

Then everything will be fine.
A mi no me importa nada
Para mi la vida es un sueƱo
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