While checking out one of my favorite bands "Morte Macabre" i stumbled upon this fantastic electronic gem, and it was a free download from
Musings on Human Metamorphoses : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive , at first i wasn't sure if it had downloaded properly (which is always a good sign to me

so i checked all me timelines in me player and yes the seconds were clicking over in actual earth seconds and not in the galactic tripple tripping stratisfield that i thought it was moving in, i don't know how to describe it at this point im still listning to it with a smile from ear to ear franticly typing this but i'l try, it starts of with the same winston churchal war speach that psychic tv started of with on there themes three album but a bit darker in feel (another favorite of mine and another experimental gem) the closest description i can give it would be spychic tv meets experimental audio research meets smooth quality excrment with a hole baradge of fantastic and f#@ked up tripping electronic sounds that i just can't put words to, maybe i'm not meant to put words to this it's just to fantastic, it's definatly one of those bands that you have to hear to believe, APOCALYPTIC FREAQUENCY EXPERIENCE my new favorite band,