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Old 10-26-2010, 05:37 AM   #80 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
I guess I don't fit into the "general" category. I can't stand a messy house... it literally makes me feel like shit. I guess I could entrust pretty much anyone to clean up around my place, as it's not like I feel I'm the only person that can do it correctly, but I've been with some MESSY ASS WOMEN. Dropped, right off the bat.
There's a surprising amount of dirty-living chicks around of all ages. I think it's becoming more prevalent as society whittles away at the cooking/cleaning role being a female thing. I think I've picked up that stuff over the years out of necessity, because most girls now days feel like they shouldn't be required to do it, and end up with being comfortable with the result of that. I'm not saying they don't have the right to be ok with it, but if basic home hygiene isn't at least 50/50, then your ass is out on the street where you belong.
I don't necessarily think it's anything new, but there are definitely plenty of messy women out there. Hell, one of the nastiest roommates I ever had was female.
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