Originally Posted by Zero1986
What a cool weekend.
On Friday i graduated from my previous college course at long last, woot, i'm now a Bachelor Of Science in Computer and Software Engineering  Went out to our graduation ball that night and got completely wellied as you do. After that a few of us went back to my friend's apartment to drink some more and smoke some weed. I hadn't smoked in a while so i got high pretty quickly but i took it easy for a bit. After a while when the party had completely died i decided to leave and go home, not realising that it was 7:30 in the morning. It was pretty weird but cool wandering around my town stoned at 7:30 in the morning. When i got home i just fell asleep straight away.
I slept all nearly all day yesterday and woke up with a pretty sore head  but a few more drinks last night helped somewhat. I spend a lot of today working on various college assignments, watching F1 and i'm now here chillaxing with interwebz and good music.
sounds like the greatest weekend ever

congratulations on your course