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Thread: Is It Normal?
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Old 10-24-2010, 05:20 AM   #4 (permalink)
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I'm forever doing it. Not in a pervy way, I actually don't even have a reason as to why I do it. I just do.

And yeah that's normal, I ALWAYS do that, especially when I hear people talking about music/a band. The other day these two guys were stood outside Tesco and they were talking about the magical mystery tour bus (they'd just been on it, u jealous?) and one of the lads saw my Pavement top and they both started talking about Pavement and smiled at me. Oddballs. But yeah, I always geg on other peoples conversations it's brill. Especially when it's something someone should probably not be talking about on a bus or something, like their sex life in great detail. Total winner.

Is it weird that I have to stop myself from touching black peoples hair when I'm out? I dream to have 'black' hair and everytime someone walks past I wanna stop and ask them if I can stroke their hair argh.

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