Extra Life
I was taking a look at my Last.FM recommendations the other day, and saw that a band called Extra Life had shown up. The similar artists (Storm&Stress, Tyondai Braxton, Kayo Dot) were all bands that I loved and the tags intrigued me. After getting their album Secular Works, I think I'm in love with them. While the vocals are terrible, the music is quite good and I thought I'd share it with you.
Check out the song "I Don't See It That Way", my personal favourite from Secular Works.
I'm not sure how I'd categorize them, but they're going in this sub-forum for now.
Here is I Don't See It That Way, a song with a bit of an awkward feeling to it, yet it still manages to be awesome.
my absolute favourite is "This Time", a slow-starter that takes off at around 7:25. When it takes off, it's the most beautiful, uplifting thing I've ever heard. It's absolutely demonic once it takes off, and reminds me of Boris's song "Farewell".
Last edited by Dayvan Cowboy; 10-23-2010 at 04:23 PM.