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Old 10-19-2010, 10:14 PM   #8306 (permalink)
Nine Black Poppies
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^ I've wanted to see that for a while.

Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post
That might be my favorite Cronenberg film--it's definitely the one that unsettled me the most. Jeremy Irons is ****ING AMAZING in it, too.

I really had no idea what to expect going into this--the entire reason I went to see it is because of the cognitive dissonance involved in the fact that Ben Affleck (co-)wrote and directed a film with a 95% rating on RT.

So, okay. It's not the world's most original plot--go into it expecting to be surprised and you'll be disappointed. But it's actually pretty well executed; the action scenes are tense, the emotional scenes work without being overwrought and the cast is pretty solid. Jon Hamm in particular stood out. It would be very easy to overplay that character and make him too despicable to be believable as an FBI agent, but he hits a really great balance there--he's just despicable enough to have that edge that makes you not like him, yet still be kind of sympathetic as a guy doing a job.

It's not exactly essential viewing, but it was thoroughly enjoyable.
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