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Old 10-19-2010, 04:58 PM   #3082 (permalink)
love will tear you apart
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Originally Posted by right-track View Post
Oh he's genuinely upset alright and it's obvious he doesn't want Rooney to leave.
Once he gets the story of how the news broke to him from Gill via his agent, listen closely.
Rooney isn't leaving for money. Ferguson hints at his personal life and how it's having an effect on Rooney. How United is the best place to be under those circumstances.
I think the player has his head up his arse and is running away from the problem by asking to move.
I think this press conference is for Rooney's benefit, exclusively.
There was no such thing for any other player in the past, with the exception of Cantona.
On the flip side to that, it's well documented he wants a 200,000 a week contract and United aren't willing to give it him... so who knows?
His actions will speak louder than words for me.
If he wants a new life, abroad, with his wife and child to get away from the media and to earn what he wants to earn then it's tolerable.
If he goes to City, he's not running away from any problems.
He will have gone because whatever he's on at United at the moment clearly isn't enough for him to live on.

I believe his head's up his arse at the moment and he just wants out. Either that or he's had a nice holiday in South Africa with his pals from Man City and they've told him what they're on and he'd like a bit of it. Who knows?

For now, he's a Manchester United player and his actions on and off the field will speak volumes.

I found it really strange the press conference was held, basically for Rooney's benefit. I never thought Fergie would clarify the situation like he did.

I can't wait to find out.
I don't feel and I feel great.

Last FM
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