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Old 10-19-2010, 11:17 AM   #8301 (permalink)
Nine Black Poppies
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Location: A State of Denial
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Lesse Fincher... Fight Club is sort of... it's a good movie, I think I just overdid it as a teenager, so it can be a little much for me now. Se7en is up there with The Usual Suspects and Silence of the Lambs as one of the best thrillers of the '90s. Alien 3 isn't a great movie, but it has its moments, especially if one looks at is as sort of a film noir experiment. Zodiac and Panic Room were both enjoyable but didn't strike me as anything particularly special. The Social Network was great--I really want to see it again to go into a better analysis of it. I haven't watched Benjamin Button yet. And I've always considered The Game underrated, but that might just be because I like seeing Michael Douglas get what for.

Speaking of which,

There's an interesting message about sexual responsibility buried in that somewhere (rabbits are a fertility symbol, for example) and Lyne does some interesting things with mis en scene (a lot of white), but man... it's SO DAMN '80s it kind of hurts. Like Glenn Close's hair... whew. She's typically great in this though--she exudes crazy without even saying anything. And I love Anne Archer here too.
Like carnivores to carnal pleasures, so were we to desperate measures...
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