Originally Posted by Robert_Arctor
Hot Fuzz
Pineapple Express
Tropic Thunder
The Hangover
no order really, i've just laughed really really hard at these movies
I was stoned out of my mind for Pineapple express and still didnt think it was funny. I sensed they were trying too hard.. I hated Hot Fuzz, but then again I hate anything with british humor so..
Dumb and Dumber is the best comedy ever in my opinion. It's hard to pull off that kind of comedy and Jim Carrey and Daniels just do it so well. I think the writing is awesome for it too, the plot is actually pretty deep for a comedy. All the Naked Guns are hilarious to me. It's just so ridiculous but the plot is so serious. Of more recent movies I really liked superbad and The hangover.