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Thread: Transhumanism
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Old 10-14-2010, 08:26 AM   #5 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
The same problem exists with teleportation if you think about it. If you used a teleportation device you would be killed, torn apart atom by atom. On the other end of the teleportation an exact duplicate of you would be created. It would look like you, talk like you, act like you, it would even think it was you, but it would still be nothing more than a duplicate of the original.
Or it would be a you from a parallel universe. Scientists have been able to teleport particles (not sure what kinds of particles) a few feet, but with the algorithms they use they can't prove they are the same exact particles. They are the "same" but the theory is we phase our particles out of our universe and phased the same ones from a parallel world in.

Ok not completely relevant, but interesting...
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