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Old 10-11-2010, 09:33 PM   #130 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
This guy has been infatuated with me for months now, and I have no romantic interest in him whatsoever. I'm unable to let him down because I feel so bad about the whole situation, so every time it seems like he's about to say something I make up something so I don't have to talk to him anymore.

Today it was that I had to go back to the theatre because I left my ID and money there. I didn't. I just really don't want to get to the point where I absolutely have to say, "Look, you're a good friend, but I'm not interested, and I'm sorry," or lie and pretend to return the feelings.

I feel like a total douche.
If you feel you've given him a proper chance, I'd say let him off as soon as you can. It's usually only as awkward as you make it and it's better that you let him know sooner rather than later. Guys don't know how to look for signals very well, so you'll probably have to be direct but soft. Make sure he knows you enjoy his company as a friend but don't harbor those kinds of feelings toward him. And hide every let down between two compliments.

Just my 2 cents
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