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Old 10-09-2010, 08:55 PM   #3 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
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Originally Posted by TheCunningStunt View Post

Jealousy. What else would it be? Oh yeah, because we get to play football for more than 90 minutes when we need to and we generally cheat. Even though Arsenal have scored more injury time goals (last season or the season before, bit unsure.) than any other club.... and the likes of Bolton/Stoke/Blackburn play dirtier football. So I don't see a reason other than jealousy to hate United.
Or it could be the fact that allowing teams to run debts of hundreds of millions of pounds makes a complete mockery of the game. The sooner FIFA & UEFA take action on it the better as far as I'm concerned.

Teams have to virtually bankrupt themselves to compete against the top sides these days. Just look at the lower leagues & look at the number of ex Premier League casualties that are down there, meanwhile teams that run within their budgets and spend sensibly have to fight for scraps wherever they can with maybe a cup run or a Europa league spot, that's if they are lucky.

But yeah it's got nothing to do with that, It's just jealousy at what Man Utd have won over the years

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