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Old 10-08-2010, 01:04 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jakkc View Post
Just got myself that Unicorn Dream Attack album, like what I've heard - draws some loose comparisons to Crystal Castles, probably just because its 8bit though! Also in process of downloading that Ninja Tune XX boxset. Many thanks for introducing me to them 2!
I'm glad you enjoyed Unicorn Dream Attack and I think you'll enjoy the Ninja Tune XX boxset too. Let me know either way.

I actually sent this album to NumberNineDream for a weekly trade but I think it's a great album so I'll bring it up again.

Vato Negro - Bumpers

I've always been a big Mars Volta fan so when I saw Juan Alderete had a side project I made it a mission to listen to it as soon as possible which might have been the best decision I've ever made in my life.

The album is essentially and experimental instrumental rock album that's mind blowing from start to finish. I've played this for quite a few people and every one of them fell completely in love with it by the time the first track was over.

Alas the songs I really wanted to post links to in this thread aren't on youtube so I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to post them sometime soon, but these songs are still really good.

The best solution I can find is check out their band camp and play track #1 Brothers Gonna Work it Out using the link below. Listen to this before the Youtube ones is my advice.

Bumpers | Vato~Negro

Not on the album but still good
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