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Thread: Real hardcore?
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Old 10-05-2010, 10:41 PM   #34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zuluh View Post

The Devil Wears Prada isn't good, they're not even hardcore.. Metalcore at even the lightest, most people don't seem to understand the more modern "hardcore" bands lie within the more melodic scene.

This is Hell, It Prevails, Have Heart, Shai Hulud, Life in your Way, stuff like that really brings it back towards the "older days" fast pace, but let melodies thrown in. Madball / Terror?

Though I absolutely love Have Heart, and they really are the epitome of any ever living "hardcore" alive..

I mean some may disagree, but to each his own?
Dude, you totally misread that post. And secondly almost all of those bands you just mentioned are the ones killing the hell out of whats left of the hardcore scene today.

Thirdly, you're being dum if you really think Prada is bad.. They produced 2 legitimately talented albums before turning to crap. And yes I know they're not hardcore. They're metalcore. But still, you don't have room to talk down on them if you promote those pseudo-hardcore bands. Just saying
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