Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
I'm sorry about what your dad did, Mr. Dave, and I'm glad you didn't kill yourself! And it's too bad you don't have the intimacy you want. I've sometimes had more "intimacy" than I've wanted...so I think it is a tough thing to ever have exactly like one wants. My feeling is that true intimacy has nothing to do with sex.
That's a cute photo of you! You look so happy! Socks are such versatile items of clothing. 
thanks, though i feel he's as much of a victim in a sense as we were but whatever, i don't hate him, i'm just not close to anyone. luckily i've adopted a very zen outlook on life. i'm also sorry you've been forced into more substantial situations than what you expected or wanted. i had a stalker for a few years too. that was fun... and the reason i still don't have a single monthly bill in my name 7 years later - though... the Air concert she took me to kinda almost totally makes it worth it. almost. kinda.
i also agree true intimacy has nothing to do with carnal activities, to me it's about recognizing yourself within another and the desire to live for another lifetime through their eyes.
and yeah, college (which had just started a few weeks prior to that photo) was a freaking blast. ultimately worthless in the direct sense but absolutely invaluable to personal growth. i even had one instructor tell me she didn't recognize me with my pants on hahaha