Originally Posted by HazelEyes86
One of the best movies that I have seen in a while would have to be Shutter Island... actually, for that matter, I thought Inception was really good too. I never would have thought that Leonardo Dicaprio would be good in a serious role. (Then again, he wasn't good at the sappy heart-throb roles either). But anyways, he did a good job in those two movies in my opinion!!
Are you smoking meth? Just wondering, because meth tends to skew a person's perception of reality.
DiCaprio is an excellent actor, imo. Go watch: "The Basketball Diaries, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, The Departed", or, "Blood Diamond", to gain a little perspective and to have something other than "Titanic" to reference when you create an analysis. (These are just a few examples of his work, btw)