My ultimate dream in life is actually really simple, and really cliche, but, it'd just be to have that quintessential idea of a family. I'd really like to have just 2 kids, maybe 3 at the most. Firstly a girl, Lydia and secondly a boy, Alexander. I actually countlessly daydream about this, and I always think that it's only at that point that I'd know the true satisfaction of living. I've never experienced that as yet... I always have temporary moments of happiness, but nothing sustaining, nothing lasting. I'm a complete romantic, just the guy that would probably do anything for that girl that I'd like to say that I'd love, with everything I could possibly offer her. I've only ever loved one girl, and I still do love that same person. A bit hard to stop isn't it? Maybe eventually it would subside... I'd actually really like to see a shrink as well, just to talk to someone about my life, what's bothering me. I'm hardly given the chance to do that. Image and reputation mean so much these days, but I'd really just like to say fuck all of that and be who I truly am. I guess everyone can admit to having those temporary relapses of depression..but maybe it's becoming too frequent...
I'll stay if I ever could, and pick up your pieces babe, because there's never a perfect day.