England's Hidden Reverse
A compilation of the esoteric underground
on thee Autumn Eqinox
for the brightest moonbeam Jhonn Balance
01. Amethyst Decivers - Coil
-from Autumn Equinox
02. Circles of Mania - Coil
-from Horse Rotorvator
03. Omlagus Garfungiloops - Coil
-from Stolen and Contaminated Songs
04. Ether - Coil
-from Music To Play In The Dark 2
05. Ach Golgotha (Maldoror Is Dead) - Current 93
-from Nature Unveiled
06. The Carnival Is Dead And Gone - Current 93
-from The Inmost Light: All The Pretty Horses
07.On Docetic Mountain - Current 93
-from Aleph At Hallucinatory Mountain
08. The Six Buttons Of Sex Appeal - Nurse With Wound
-from A Chance Meeting On A Dissecting Table Of A Sewing Machine And An Umbrella
09. Rock n Roll Station - Nurse With Wound
-from Rock n Roll Station
10. Cruisin for a Bruisin' - Nurse With Wound
-from Huffin' Rag Blues
i woke up this morning and the first thought that entered my brain was that of Jhonn Balance....a beautiful and amazing person who was taken from the earth many years ago...so i wanted to pay tribute to him and the creative people he associated with....also thought i would create my own musical companion to the book about them
i start the comp with a track off of Coil's Autumn Equinox album....simply because that is today.....then i chose three track from each artist starting with their early works, to their mid-era, to their more recent sound....i feel it explores all three bands well especially if played in that order....i added a Bunny Hedge Monster as the album artwork
i hope some you download this and introduce yourself to these amazing artist whose combined discography is unbelievably long