Music Banter - View Single Post - A lesser of two evils?
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Old 12-26-2003, 10:56 PM   #4 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 43

even if every single person inthe world downloaded songs, rockstars, popstars, and the majority of large musicians who are complaining about music downloads would still be rich, and own more ferraris than we ever will...they're just greedy and they need to suck up the fact that p2p sharing cannot be stopped....the only artists i feel bad for are those who arent on a big label, and have no means to fill enormous stadiums of people to see them perform. we need to support THEM and buy their cds...but i think it's acceptable to download all these big bands songs because they make so much money from enorsements and touring alone
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