Originally Posted by downwardspiral
The Deftones.
drop the 'The' man, urgh.
Oh well i'm sooooooo sorry, get a grip man it's a ****ing the.
Originally Posted by mojopinuk
Deftones still put on a great show man, you'll like it.
As for Coheed, i have only seen them at a festival which isnt the best place to judge them. They were alright but nothing fantastic , for me. I still went away thinking that i might go and see them if and when they come back up here at some point though and the mate I was with thought they were really good.

Well, i'm really excited for it, White Pony is one of my favourites so i'm happy it's a band I really love for my first gig.
I've only listened to Coheed a little bit, but what i've heard has impressed me.