Originally Posted by VEGANGELICA
I think one issue here, though, is that people at the site may not agree on what makes the website have high quality...is it the interesting music posts, interesting people, the debates, the friendships?
Returning to intentions radical root helps. Whats the quality? Its discussion. Are there a free exchange of ideas? Are ideas suppressed? Can you speak freely or are you assaulted constantly wherever you post. I suspect you're missing the point of banning people like boo boo because you weren't on the receiving end.
So, for me community is probably most important at MB...and in my dream "High Quality" community, no one gets ejected! We just haggle out our conflicts, go to sleep a little angry or indignant, then wake up to a new day together with a chance to try again, day after day after day after day. It's like marriage!
The problem, my dear Eggplant, is that those who went unprovoked by long-term members don't understand what its like to be new here, to hope to find a place to discuss music - even if that music is pop-y, radio-friendly, and commercial - and maybe make a friend or two while doing so. And you (people) certainly don't know what its like to come here under those pretenses and be harassed. Not out of any legitimate reason, certainly no one takes offense to the harassment of spammers, not because of provocation, but harassed because some veteran member has decided in their unlimited arrogance that their opinion goes beyond subjectivity to the empirical and that they've pissed and claimed territory over these boards.
In short, why should we begin to think of friendship with one, when the countless potential friendships cost are far worse.