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Old 09-12-2010, 02:29 PM   #119 (permalink)
Al Dente
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None of what happened was a judgment against Boo's character. He's one of a few of our regular posters that will tenaciously and intelligently argue his musical opinions usually without giving any quarter to whomever he happens to be debating. I very much like him; I always have.

His behavior has become more and more consistent, to the degree that it emerged, this time, in less than 24 hours after coming off of a month long ban for the same behavior that got him banned the last time. Guitarbizarre made an innocuous statement in the shoutbox that was not directed at Boo or anyone in particular and boo responded with "...I hate you". There's some gray area that can be argued over as to whether or not that should be construed as a personal attack, but it's is certainly provocation. Whether or not GB should have reacted in the way that he did is not the issue. Most of us, given the same set of circumstances probably would have reacted in the same manner. The issue is that if provocation from boo in the shoutbox is ensuing less than 24 hours after returning from a ban for the same "offense", then that only goes to show that he cannot come here without provoking people or keeping his own anger in check when others try to provoke him. And that's unfortunate, but people who show repeatedly that they cannot come here without provoking others or being provoked by others should not be here, no matter how long-standing they are as members.

No, musicbanter is not every other music forum on the internet, but it is good to know that if the simple rules that we have -- which you should all be aware of by now -- do not suit you and if your philosophy toward an internet-based community is that it's only differentiated from a non-internet based community by the lack of general, fundamental rules of behavior that most of you have internalized and manage to live by everyday, then there are other places out there that will not require that you behave like a human being, unfortunately this forum is not one of those places.

The real unfortunate thing with Boo is that so many of us are responsible for what went down. I'll use an analogy that I think is apt. If you have a dog, and I'm in no way trying to imply that boo is a dog or in any way sub-human, but if you have a dog that you repeatedly poke with a stick over and over and over again until finally that dog attacks and otherwise becomes aggressive, the first thing that needs to happen is that the dog needs to be removed from the environment. The second thing that needs to happen is that the people who have been poking the dog with a stick, the ones who are now crying "hey, what happened? why'd you take the dog away", need to told to ****ing stop it and act like a human being. Not just the last two people who had the stick in their hands, but everyone who has ever contributed to the situation, because this is the cumulative effect of something that's been happening in small increments over a long span of time. Some of it is related to MB, some of it is completely out of our domain, but as far as our end of things is concerned it is the result of something that many, not a few of us have contributed to. And to all that have contributed, grow up or go someplace that does not require you to behave like a human being.

I like boo a lot. That's why this ****ing pisses me off.
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