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Old 09-12-2010, 02:09 PM   #113 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Big3 nailed it, in my opinion. About just letting go and not taking the internet too seriously...I don't think we can do that anymore. Our lives are increasingly more and more digital, so the digital representation of our selves should count as a part of who we are. I understand the added temptation to do whatever you want thanks to the anonymity of our usernames, but you have to remember there are a lot of people that want this to be taken seriously. I keep coming back here because I love talking to other people who love music, which I can hardly do out in the real world. I don't come here to exercise the frustration of not being able to just jump down someone's throat for no reason when we are face to face.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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