Music Banter - View Single Post - Church Plans on Burning Qur'an on September 11th
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Old 09-12-2010, 11:06 AM   #115 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide View Post
Thank you for typing this superfluous depthless paragraph, in the effort to choose a singular word to convey the train of thought you're following.

But, I'll consider you're last few sentences. Of course, it is possible to be civil and at the same timerespect other people's ideas.
Wrong. I said "not to respect".

Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide View Post
However, I am unaware that burning a religious doctrine has become a civil past time. Maybe this needs to be clarified as I am a bit behind the times. But if all we do, is to "Live and let live", the chaos that would ensue would be counter-productive to a civil society. So, let's be reasonable, nothing about burning a book, can be deemed as civil and neither can it be deemed as respectful. Don't be afraid of that "subjective" terminology, the interpretation with which it is open to is quite simple.
You're damn right, brother!! No one can live with the bloody burning doctrine. I can't stand the smell of doctrine when it burns. Four years ago, someone made a bonfire and put copies of the Avesta on it. All the neighborhood stank of damned burned Zoroastrianism. We couldn't sleep during three days and I thought I was going to die. Man, that was terrible, I had never felt such horror since my niece played with matches and scorch The Spirits' Book.

Originally Posted by Dr.Seussicide View Post
I guess you're dumber than I initially thought, which is an astounding feat.
One thing is absolutely true: It's been very stupid of me wasting my time. FORGET ME.
"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."
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