Music Banter - View Single Post - Church Plans on Burning Qur'an on September 11th
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Old 09-12-2010, 10:17 AM   #113 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I basically agree with where you're coming from here, but I have to say I have a pretty big issue with people who organize book burnings. To me it's irrelevant whether the book is The Koran or The Catcher in the Rye, the fact of the matter is that throughout history book burnings have been symbolic of censorship, willful ignorance and the desire to erase ideas. While I feel that someone should have the legal right to organize a book burning if they so desire, I think doing so is an affront to anyone who cares about the free exchange of ideas.
I generally refer back to the President of Iran's debate at Columbia. We shouldn't censor anything, even those advocating for censorship. When the ignorant speak, reason gains a foothold. If I thought this wouldn't kill American's abroad, I would say let him go ahead with it.

Anyone watching that is going to see the ugly ignoraces of his actions. Pastor Jones has said he's never read the Qu'ran, and when the protested in Afghanistan because of this event, he said "this speaks to the true nature of Islam."

Well if this is the case, then Scott Roeder speaks to the true nature of Christians. I think most Americans, and people in general, get his logical fallacies.
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