09-12-2010, 09:56 AM
#109 (permalink)
Al Dente
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Texas
Posts: 4,708
Originally Posted by TheBig3KilledMyRainDog
Boo Boo doesn't have a posting problem, he has some demons he needs to sort out IRL.
For one thing, he can't leave this sight of his own volition. He has to be banned in order to not post here.
Secondly, he can't handle things he finds illogical. I think he tries to be rational about things. Imagine the Feminism thread. He starts off rational, but he can't grasp when other people either willingly or unwillingly don't get it. And then its like a looped-error on a computer. Or feedback. The rage just continues to build until its an overload and he's anything but rational. You get the idea that he believes we're all committing to irrational hate-mongering so he returns volley. In short, "no one can think this way reasonably, so therefore their being *******s so I will be an ******* too."
One of my first interactions with Boo Boo was about Sting. I said he was a great bassist, Boo Boo told me I was daft. If you know my posting style, I forgot about that fight about 5 mins later. But a week later Ethan (former poster) IM's me and in the course of a conversation its comes up that "Boo Boo thinks you hate him because of the Sting fight."
I mention this to point out that there are some emotional concerns there, that in no way condone his postings nor should they be excuses that alleviate his sentence, but I don't think we should look at Boo Boo in the same light as our traditional ****-head trolls because I don't think its the same syndrome. Trolls tend to be the alchemy-ed outcome of dead boredom and the intoxicating anonymity of the internet.
This is not Boo Boo. I think he contributes quite well when he does, and I think that if he stayed the **** out of the Lounge he'd be fine. He should also make a large, well reasoned argument and let the chips fall where they may but you can't teach people patience.
To those questioning his Ban I would say this; Don't assume the Mods are ever being unfair. A great deal of deliberation is put into most decisions with regard to bannings. The default position is often to let it be sorted by the posters themselves or maybe with a response from the mods such as: "hey guys, cut the ****."
But there comes a point where you've discussed a poster long enough, and at some point you need to salvage the quality of the community. With all due respect to Yac, I've spoken with him before and the owners of these boards see us as the least-lucrative black-sheep. In essence, we're on our own for better or worse, and that means our currency must be quality. If we can't make this place great with our actions, no one will come along and prop us up because they like the place. I am Constantly lobbying my friends to join these boards. I sing its praises and owe much of my musical rearing to this place and I think there isn't a group of people out there who would do this better than we, in this community do, but thats not a product of us sitting here. We need to actively make this forum a quality place to be. I don't always agree with the mods now, and I didn't when I was wearing Blue either. But at the end of the day, we've got a better site than most out there. We didn't get here overnight.
This, all of it.