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Thread: member bans
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Old 09-11-2010, 06:49 PM   #93 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Boo does this REPEATEDLY. He hasn't good sense to avoid conflict; he only provokes it. It's been shown through ban after ban, through mods chewing their fingernails for over a year about what to do about Boo, through his constant immediate return to behavior that he's been told over and over and over again to stop engaging in, that HE IS NOT GOING TO STOP.

If anyone is disillusioned with the idea that the mods are on some sort of power trip, think again. I gave my opinion in the mod thread that Boo should be perma-banned and then I gave him a year ban without any sort of approval of any of the other mods, so if anyone has any issue with this decision they should take it up with me via PM.
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